Saturday, June 16, 2012

let's parrrty: smash cake

Pearson was so funny while we were singing Happy Birthday.  He was just staring at everybody like he thought we were crazy!!
 Grammy was smart for putting goldfish on his cake because that was the first thing he went for. 
It took him a little while to warm up to eating the cake. 
 He finally got the hang of it though, and really got into the icing. 
I love all the colors that were in the icing, because it sure made for cute pictures!!
 Oh my gosh, these chubby cheeks get me every time!!
 He didn't ever really get much cake.  He just scraped off alot of the icing. 
 Daddy picked off a few bites of cake and he thought it was pretty good. 
 Finger lickin' good in fact!!
 This is when I think the sugar coma was starting to set in!!
The final damage....
 And this little birthday boy was not very happy when we took his cake away!
He quickly got over it though because the next item on our agenda was PRESENTS!!!


  1. so cute! your MIL did a great job!

  2. the cake is SO cute and how fun that P's Grammy made it! :)

  3. I love his smash cake and hat!!!!
