Friday, June 22, 2012


A few weeks ago I won free 4th of July mini session from Brooke Richardson Photography.
 I wasn't planning on having professional pictures done at one year since we had just had family pictures done at 9 months, so I was thrilled to win this session.  
 I went ahead and put him in red, white and blue to go with the 4th of July pictures, but to me they are just his one year pictures!!
 Oh my goodness, this little flat smile is his new thing and it melts my heart!
 He was on the move during the whole session, so we stuck him in a barrel for a few pictures!! It worked for a little while!!
 I loved this little red wagon that she had it was too cute!! And it totally kept Pearson entertained because it had wheels.  This boy loves wheels!!
Love our little ONE-derful boy!!!


  1. Those pics are precious! I can't believe how fast our babies are growing!!

    And I'll let you know soon about a date to get together!!

  2. Brooke did a great job! I love them all. Those eyes!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Great photos! What a handsome little guy you have!

  4. Anonymous2:03 PM

    So sweet, Katy! Love them all!

  5. Great pics! His eyes really pop with the color combo and the lighting. :)

  6. These are SO good! Such a cutie pie!

  7. very cute pictures!!

  8. aw, they turned out so good!! Love his little plaid shirt, makes him look like such a little man!!

    Was this the contest from fb? How exciting to get a free session!

  9. These are super cute! He's getting so big, so fast!

  10. These are so adorable! You always do such a great job of taking the time to get pictures made of your sweet family!
