Wednesday, July 25, 2012

purpose playdate

Today Pearson and I hosted our first playdate for all new little ones in Purpose (our ABF).

The Purpose baby population is now up to 7....and still growing!!  It was practically impossible to get this picture.  We joked about how we should have recorded it because a video would have been pretty funny!!
Here's all the little loves in our class......
Landry {2 weeks} Knox {5 weeks} Brody {8 months} Westin {4 weeks} Beckett {4 months} Myla {3 months} Pearson {13 months}
 Amy & Brody
Anna & Westin 
Jennie & Beckett 
Carissa & Landry
Julie & Knox
Kristin & Myla
Me & my love
Most of the babies didn't do much playing.  They just hung out while Pearson and Brody played. All of us Mommies enjoyed having some adult conversation even if it was just talking about our babies!!
 Pearson was so funny trying to get in his bumbo.  We've had it in the attic for months.  It was like it was a brand new toy to him!
Westin was all tuckered out at his first playdate. 
Knox and Landry were pretty tired too!! 
 I actually put Pearson down for a nap before everyone left and he took a 2 hr nap.  All his little friends wore him out!!  

It's so fun that my friend have babies now. We can't wait to have another Purpose Playdate.  And I definitely can't wait until all our little boys (and girl) can actually all play together!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun that all of you were able to get together with your little darlings. They are all just precious!
