Sunday, July 08, 2012

weekend recap

How was your weekend?? 

We had such a fun little family weekend!!

We had a pretty low key Friday night.  We went to Chick-fil-A and got our free Chick-fil-A sandwiches for wearing our Rangers gear!! I love that our Chick-fil-A has Rangers nights every so often!! It makes for a yummy cheap meal for our little family!!
On Saturday I got on an organizing kick and organized all the drawers in our bathroom and bedroom. We also made a trip to Dick's to get Matt a new softball glove. 
After Pearson took his afternoon nap we head to Splitsville to meet some friends from our ABF for some bowling.  
We went to BJ's for dinner afterwards. Yum, Yum!!
 Pearson's napping schedule always gets messed up on Sundays.  He doesn't take a morning nap at church, so you would think that he would take a nice long afternoon nap, but it doesn't usually work out that way.  Pearson woke up from his very short afternoon nap around 3 and was not in a good mood, so we decided to pack up and head to the pool to entertain our grumpy little boy!
As you can see, he quickly changed his attitude!!
 I love it when Matt comes to the pool with us! I actually get to lay out a little it when he comes!! 
Matt even got to catch some sun rays too, while he played with his toys!!
I always pack a sippy cup for Pearson but he would rather drink out of my water.  He was so cute squatting down trying to get a drink!!
 The last few times we've gone to the pool I have packed Cheerios and mandarin oranges for a snack.  Pearson chows down on the mandarin oranges.  Funny thing is though, he will only eat them at the pool.  I tried to give them to him at home and at Chick-fil-A and he will not eat them.  I guess have oranges as a pool snack.  
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!


  1. I love that picture of him getting caught from drinking from your cup! Adorable!

  2. Cute pictures! Looks like you guys had a great weekend.

  3. I totally lol'd from the pic of john laying in the background! ANd i Love the one where he's squated down stealing a sip! :)

    and btw, you are looking so slim & trim! :)
