Thursday, August 30, 2012

iPhone rewind {august}

Don't forget to enter my Pink Pear Tree Gifts giveaway here!!

I have been awful this month about taking pictures.  I haven't done very well with just snapping pics on my iPhone, I haven't been taking my big  camera with me all the time and I haven't done well at all with the August Photo A Day.  I'm hoping that with our new fall routine I will get back in the swing of things.  Here are a few pictures from my iPhone that never made it to the blog!

Pearson loves to drink from my cup.
His ball got stuck under the bed, so he just crawled under the bed to get it. 
My baby still fits in a K'Link.  This one was a gift, but I was just testing it out. 
Little man has become obsessed with his bumbo ever since we got it out for a playdate a while back. 
Pearson has been loving his blankie these days.  He loves to take it out of his crib in the morning and walk around with it while he wakes up.
He always likes to have a washcloth in his mouth while I bathe him. 
My uncle has a new restaurant in Frisco called Frisco City Grill. We tried it out for the first time and it was really good!!
While I was sick, I think Pearson watched me blow my nose a few too many times.  He knew just what to do with a Kleenex. 
Crazy boy!!
He has discovered that he can climb up on the little toy chest. 
I love watching Pearson read his books!
Chick-fil-A day with Naomi!
One of Pearson's favorite things to do is pull out all of his shorts out of his drawer and then put them all back in. 
That's all folks!!  

We have Meet the Teacher tonight for Pearson's Mother's Day Out.  I'm excited to get a little more information about the program and meet his teachers for the year!!  


  1. We have meet the teacher tonight as well. Although I already know them!:) Have fun!

  2. So fun to look at all theses pictures. Never can get enough of my precious little grandson!

  3. After looking at these pictures I get a longing to see the star of these pictures! Missing my little guy!
