Monday, August 06, 2012

meal planning monday

Monday: Meatball Subs

Tuesday: Talapia w/ Shrimp Bayou Sauce, Rice & Veggies

Wednesday: Fried Rice & Egg Rolls

Thursday: Out to Eat

Friday:  Night Ranger's Night @ Chick-fil-A

Saturday Breakfast: Cinnamon Rolls

Saturday Lunch: BBQ Sandwiches & Chips

Saturday Dinner: ???

Sunday Lunch: Crockpot Salsa Chicken Tacos

Sunday Dinner: Pizza


  1. I loooove crock pot chicken tacos!!! By far my fave crock pot recipie at the moment!! This week I'm trying a lemon pepper CP recipie.

  2. Katy- I actually am making the crock pot salsa chicken tacos from your blog tonight! They have smelled amazing all day and I can't wait to try them:) Your meals always seem so yummy!!
