Wednesday, August 15, 2012

what i'm loving wednesday!

I decided to join a little link up today!!
Here's what I'm loving today.......

I'm loving that Chicken Express has sweet tea for 50 cents this summer!!
I'm loving my new favorite snack. 
{almods, dried cranberries, yogurt covered raisin, & peanut butter chips}
I'm loving this Avocado Chicken Salad that my friend made on Tuesday at our playdate! So yummy!!
I'm loving that Pearson has discovered his tongue.  It's so funny to see him play with it. 
I'm loving watching my sweet boy play everyday.  Today he was parading all over the house in Daddy's shirt.  He kept tripping over the shirt, but he thought it was so funny.  
I'm loving that summer is drawing to a close and fall is getting closer.  I'm excited for MOPS and Mother's Day out to start up in a few weeks.  

That's all.....what are you loving this Wednesday!!


  1. That Chicken salad looks so yummy!! I want to try it. I use to love when Carson would play in Ryan's clothes. He still loves putting his belts on.

  2. I joined a MOPS group this year. I'm excited about it!

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I'm loving a moment of silence. Both of my boys are napping at the same time!

