Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This product is not so much Pearson approved, but rather Mommy approved.  

With the seasons changing little man has gotten a little bit of a stuffy nose.  I absolutely hate those little snot suckers that the hospital sends you home with.  I feel like they get absolutely nothing out of his nose, and if it does it just stays inside inside the little thingy.  Gross!!

My friend Kristin recommended the NoseFrieda to us last fall and I have been so pleased with it. 
I didn't actually know what I was buying when I bought it.  Pearson's nose was just so snotty that I was desperate and just grabbed it at the store.  It's a good thing that I didn't know how it worked because I probably wouldn't have bought it if I had known.  As you can see, your mouth actually sucks the snot out of his nose.  I know, I know, it sounds absolutely disgusting, but no fear, there is a filter at the end of the tube and the snot doesn't go past the filter.

 It is absolutely amazing.  It gets all of the snot out so easily.  Although Pearson isn't ever smiling like the pictures shown above, it gets the job done and in a weird way it's kind of rewarding to see all the snot I sucked out.  Eww...did I really just write that?  It's true when they say you would do anything for your children.  Even if it means sucking their snot out of their nose.

Sorry if I have totally grossed you out, but Pearson and his Mommy approve the NoseFrida and we just wanted to share it with you.  


  1. We definitely approve it too! It's a lifesaver! ....and no, L has never smiled while we're doing it!

  2. That is funny you posted this today. I heard someone on one of the morning shows talking about it today or yesterday. They were grossed out about it too.

  3. Thank you for this post. I'm totally going to get one of these even if it is gross. I'm dreading that first illness. :(

  4. Gross, yes! Does it work? Absolutely!! I love mine. Reese hates it but it's quick and gets the job done!!

  5. My sil told me about this a while back. Carson still got sinus infections no matter what I tried. I think Olivia has the same stuff he does. At least I know what I can try with her instead of going to the dr every other week like I've had to with him.

  6. Yup we love Ours too! It was on the today shows favorite things yesterday!

  7. one of our favorite things! I've been using this several times a day right now also.

  8. I have another friend who highly recommended this not too long ago on her blog and I'm still as grossed out about it now as I was then!! I guess my tune might change after Winston get his first cold too!! :D
