Wednesday, September 12, 2012

what a mess!

Don't forget to enter my Ladybug and Lizard giveaway here

Oh boy!! Pearson is such a mess these day!!  
His way of playing these days is literally making a mess wherever he goes.

The other day I caught him making a mess of his wipes all over the living room. 
"But I was just blowing my nose, Mommy!"
I catch him at least once a day digging in the trash.
When he gets his toys out of his basket, he can't just get one thing out, he has to get them all out.  This is actually a pretty "clean mess".  His toys are usually scattered all over the living room. 
When he is in his bedroom, he likes to pull out all of his shorts and pants out of his drawers.  And then he moves on to pulling all the books off the bookshelf. 
His absolute favorite mess to make is cleaning out the tupperware cabinet.  This is the only cabinet in our house that we don't have baby proofed.  He knows he can make a mess of it and does multiple times a day. 
 His latest mess is coloring.  He colored for the first time at Mother's Day Out two weeks ago and now he is obsessed with pens and paper.  I got out some crayons yesterday and first he had to get every single crayon out before he could color.  Matt was so excited to see him using his left hand!  But honestly, he uses both of his hands equally so it's really too soon to tell if he'll be right-handed or left-handed.
Even though our little man is a mess, we just love him to pieces!!


  1. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Yes a mess is right! Lucas is doing the same thing. He leaves a huge trail wherever he is. When it comes to wipes,he loves to pull them all out of the container on the changing table and then he likes to suck on them. GROSS! I am loving watching him explore at this age. Isn't it fun :)

  2. Both boys love to make messes too! Pete has to pull everything out. Tim on a daily basis empties out my tupperware drawer as well. He loves the trash too! I would say it would get better, but I have a feeling it won't. :)

  3. I'm in your world this week!! Our house looks just like all those pictures of your house. Carson and Olivia have been so good this week, but they do make messes! Now I also have Nonnie's dog, too. Shasta is loving all the table food she is getting this week. Olivia dumped her entire plate today and Shasta even ate the green beans - and she never eats vegetables!
    In case I forget to tell you, be sure to take Carson's shoes off and shake them out in your garage or you will have little black rubber shavings ALL over your house (from the playground).

  4. Kaden is the exact same way! His favorite mess are his blocks. He has a bag of the big legos & the wooden building blocks. He's not content unless every last one of them is out of the bag & on the floor. I usually give up putting them away until he's asleep cause as soon as I turn my back, they're back on the floor! :)

  5. Kaden is the exact same way! His favorite mess are his blocks. He has a bag of the big legos & the wooden building blocks. He's not content unless every last one of them is out of the bag & on the floor. I usually give up putting them away until he's asleep cause as soon as I turn my back, they're back on the floor! :)

  6. Oh yes, I remember the days with all of my three. I love that Pearson is holding his crayon correctly for writing, even though it is upside down. lol That is unusual for a one-plus year old. So funny that Matt would be thinking that Pearson was showing signs of being left handed because Stan was the same way with Matt at that age!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yes, I know all about those messes!! Terryl loves the tupperware cabinet too!!!!

  9. I could have written the exact same post with just about the same pictures! Ha!!!

  10. Everything's the exact same at our house!! :)

  11. Everything's the exact same at our house!! :)

  12. Must be a toddler thing. My younger two love pulling every single wipe out. ;)

  13. I know how you feel! Carter loves to take all her toys out, throw the fridge magnets all over the kitchen, and one time recently she even emptied a whole roll of toilet paper before I caught her!
