Thursday, October 18, 2012

fun day at the fair

**Warning: Picture Overload.....

Last year Pearson and I went to the fair with my Mom and grandma.  We had so much fun together that we decided to do it again this year!!

Four Generations at the State Fair of Texas

Nonnie got in free because it was senior Citizen Day, Mom and I got in free with Cinemark movie ticket stubs and Pearson got in free because he is under two!
We each got $15 worth of tickets and we got a nice assortment of fried goodies!!

We started our morning off with a Fried Bacon Cinnamon Roll.
It was $6 but it was worth it! So yummy!!
 Our next stop was the Children's Petting Zoo. 
 Pearson loved this little goat!!
This ostrich scared the mess out of me.  If you look at the picture carefully you can see that I had just thrown the shovel and the food up in the air because this crazy ostrich was about to attack us!!
 This llama (or whatever it is) cracked me up.  He was covered in all of the woodchips. 
 We took a stroll through the Creative Art Building so Mom and Nonnie could look at the quilts.  I think this building is kind of silly, but they love looking at all the things. 
 For lunch, Mom and Nonnie got Fletcher's corn dogs and I got some Fried Frito Pie.
 I ended up sharing a few of my Fried Frito Pie Bites, so I went ahead and got my Fried Cheese on a Stick.  Oh my word.....still my favorite fair food!!
This "Guy on a Stick" was so funny.  I had never seen him before. 
Dessert at the fair for all three of us was delicious Nutty Ice Cream Bar.  We enjoyed our ice cream while we watched a little circus featuring some pretty cute kiddos.
 It's always hard to know how to dress during the Fall in Texas, but the weather man definitely steered us wrong.  We dressed for a cool morning, but it definitely warmed up quite a bit.  I actually ended up stripping Pearson down and putting him in a spare onesie I had in his diaper bag.  
 Before we headed home we had to spend our last few tickets on a few snacks.  
 I packed a lunch for Pearson full of non-fried healthy food.  He ate such a good lunch that I thought he deserved a little taste of some fried food.  He loved him some curly fries!!
 Our last treat was a fried corn.  I don't think we could have stuffed anything else in our bellies.  We were all so full!!
We had such a fun day at the fair.  I'm already looking for to our four generations trip to the fair again next year!!


  1. So fun! All the food is making me hungry :)
    Next year, Pearson will get to join in all the fair food deliciousness! :)

  2. Be sure to put those photos on my computer so I can put them on my facebook page.

  3. I love the fair and all the fair food

  4. It looks like you all had a fun time. It is so awesome that you four generations got to share a day at the fair together. Love it!

  5. How fun.. I love the Texas state fair. I haven't been in a few years.

    So sad that Big Tex caught fire. Though good to hear the VP of state fair say he will be repaired and back next year.

  6. Good thing you got your pic with Big Tex!! :)

  7. Oh my word - that ostrich scared me too! I did not like the look in his eyes! Looks like a fun time!
