Wednesday, October 24, 2012

trunk or treat

Tonight was our church's fall festival.  This year it was a Trunk or Treat!! Our ABF's theme was a box of Crayons.  The Hares did an awesome job decorate Jenny's car.
Pearson felt left out because he wasn't a crayon. 
{Okay, not really, he just REALLY didn't like wearing his hat.}
But wasn't he the cutest little golfer ever.....even with a little pouty face??
{And I just notice in this picture, that it looks like he has chameleon eyes like me.  When we wear blue, they look blue.  When we wear green they look green!!}

With a busy little toddler, I didn't get a chance to get picture of everyone that was there.  I did manage to get a few though. 

 {The Zellners}
{The Howards}
{Me and my little golfer}
{All the Mommas and our babies}
Mmmmmm.....I could just eat these little boys up!!

Matt had to work late so he got there after we did.  By this point in the evening, the only way we could get Pearson to keep his hat on and look at the camera was to give him a sucker.  

After we took some pictures and ate some dinner at the food court, we didn't have much time to do anything.  We did make sure we hit up the petting zoo though. 
Pearson is not afraid of animal at all.  He walked up to each of these little bunnies on the left and gently pet each one. It was so cute.  
He pet this little chicken, but he wasn't too sure about it. 
This little pig was the cutest thing ever.  Look how sweet Pearson was with it.  
And that's all we had time for at our Trunk or Treat since our little golfer was up way past his bedtime. 


  1. Going to be hard to top that cute little golfer next year. Pearson is just adorable in that costume!!!! Love the picture of him with the little pig.

  2. What a cute little golfer..

  3. Ok, I never saw the golf bag! TOO CUTE! I love it!
