Sunday, November 18, 2012

1st babysitter

We are so blessed to live close to my parents, my grandma, my sister in law and even friends that are willing to watch Pearson when we need them too.  My in-laws also live about an hour away and happily come and watch Pearson when we need them to as well.  Even with family and friends close by though, I think it's important to kids to have babysitters.  I loved having babysitters as a kid so I want Pearson to get to experience that too!!

Last night Pearson had his first babysitter!! 
 We had a game night with our ABF in our neighborhood so we thought last night would be a good night to try out a babysitter because we would be close to home and we could leave at a moments notice if needed.  We wouldn't have to leave in the middle of a movie, or dinner, or drive back from somewhere far.  Plus, Pearson was only going to be awake for 30 minutes to an hour while we were gone.  
Jessica is the daughter of one of our ministers at our church, who we are good friends with.  She is a SUPER responsible 12 (almost 13) year old.  I'm excited to have a young babysitter because we'll be able to "keep" her for a while.  I started babysitting when I was 12 as well and I babysat some of the same kids until I was 18 and left for college. The best part about having her babysit is that her parents also live in our neighborhood, so if anything should happen her parents (along with my parents and grandma) are all in the neighborhood to help!

These are the notes that I left for Jessica for the evening.
I found this printable on Pinterest. You can download it here

Pearson did great with Jessica.  He went right to her and sat in her lap to read a book while we snuck out the door. She said they just played and read books then she put him down at 7:30.  When I went to upload some pictures I found these on my camera!!
What a sweet little surprise to see some pictures of him walking around in her shoes!!

I'm glad that our first experience with a babysitter when so well because this won't be the last time little man gets babysat!!


  1. I love that she took pictures and didn't tell you. Maybe we will use her sometime!!

  2. That's awesome! I'll be sure to ask you for a referral if we find ourselves in need.

  3. I'm glad you have good memories of your babysitters. We did have some really nice young girls to watch you kids! I look back and realized I gave them a lot to do. I even had them roll your hair with sponge rollers!

  4. I'm glad you have good memories of your babysitters. We did have some really nice young girls to watch you kids! I look back and realized I gave them a lot to do. I even had them roll your hair with sponge rollers!

  5. Love the look on Pearson's face in the picture with Jessica. Cute PJ's by the way. Love that Jessica took pictures of him during the evening. Who wouldn't love babysitting my precious little grandson?!

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