Thursday, November 15, 2012

checking in...

Hey everybody!!  I'm alive!! 
I just flat out haven't felt like blogging this week so I haven't!! 
It's my blog and I can do that, right? 
I still don't really have anything to blog about so I'll just tell you some random things!!
And show you a picture of these sweet cheeks.
1. We got our family pictures back so I'm going to working on our Christmas cards this weekend! I can't wait.  I love sending out Christmas cards and I LOVE checking the mailing in December and receiving Christmas cards!!

2.  Tuesday night Matt and I were bored so we played a random game of Gin Rummy. I don't think we have ever just played cards by ourselves unless we were on a trip. It was fun!! 
3.  On Wednesday, Ashley kept Pearson while I went to the doctor.  They had a fun time playing and they even had a cousin lunch together.  While I was over there picking him up, we found all three of them in Ashley's room with the TV blaring on a music channel. They were all dancing around having a ball. It was hilarious.  It makes me so happy that Pearson has cousin's close by and close in age to grow up with.  I never had that, so I'm glad he does!!
4.  I saw a preview for the new season of The Biggest Loser starting in January.  I'm super excited about Jillian being back.  It just wasn't the same without her, although, I don't know how I feel about her now that I know she is a lesbian.  Am I the only one that didn't know that?  I really had no idea until last summer when I heard that she was adopting children with her partner.  I always had a feeling that Bob was gay, but I had no idea she was a lesbian.  It's just weird. 

5.  Last night we went to the new Dairy Queen for a little dessert.  Matt got a blizzard and I got an Orange Julius.  I hadn't had one in years, so I was thrilled to see that they sold them there.  We used to beg my Mom to get us one all the time when we were kids when we would be at the mall.  It tasted just like I remember it, although I kinda wish I would have gotten a blizzard!! 

6.  One of friends is hosting a giveaway on her blog for her cute new shop she opened up.  She is giving away one of these precious mini signs.  Go check her out here!!
7. I went to a Step Aerobics class for the first time in probably 3 years.  I forgot how much I love doing Step.  I will definitely be going to the class more often.  I just wish I didn't have to pay extra at my gym for classes.  

8.  Today we had a playdate with Stephanie and Ethan.  It's so fun to see him play with other kiddos. These two little boys had a good time in the kitchen.  
9.  And don't forget to enter my Hilly House giveaway that is going on right now!! You can check it out here.
And that's all I got for ya!


  1. Love the picture of Pearson and Ethan in the play kitchen. It was always so funny to me that when I taught preschool that ALL the little boys loved to play in the home center kitchen. They loved the chef hats and aprons. And of course what little boy could not resist my motorized mixer!

  2. I don't think her being a lesbian is wierd or changes anything. I'm glad she's back too!!!! I love step too!! Are you doing it at the rec?
