Monday, November 05, 2012

shirt makin' and playdatin'

This morning we had a Holiday Onesie/Shirt making playdate at Jennie's house.  Kristin brought all the supplies including fabric, head n bond, and iron and more.  She was so sweet to coordinate everything.  She had already made Myla's little onesie so she helped watch the babies and helped everyone out in making their shirts.  
I kind of cheated and halfway made my shirts at my Mom's house.  I already had plans to make shirts with my Mom so I picked out all the fabric at her house, traced it and then just cut out at Jennie's house.  I was afraid I wouldn't have time to do it all since my little guy is so much busier than everyone else's little babies.  
And just as I suspected, I didn't have time to finish mine because Pearson was desperate for a nap.  I still need to iron mine on then have my Mom stitch them on.  I'm also going to ad a little puff ball on the alligator's hat and a button for his eye.  On the truck, I'm also going to add two buttons on the little wheels.  I just can't decide if the truck should go on the red shirt or the white shirt.  I'm so pleased with how my shirts turned out.  I can't wait to see the finished product!!
Pearson was showing Beckett how to mess with the door stops.  He might already know how to play with them, but it was so cute watching him watch Pearson.
 Anna and Courtney making shirts!!
 Anna didn't have her little guy with her so she was able to get 3 shirts done.  She made an acorn a little W turkey and a snowman for Westin.
 Courtney made a cute little turkey for Jack!
Amy and Julie ironing on their shirts.

 We had to keep the iron in a separate room so Pearson would stay away from it.  
Amy made a fall acorn for Brody.
 Carissa made a little Christmas tree for Landry and Julie made a stocking for Knox.  Jennie made a little stocking and a tie for Beckett but I didn't get a picture of it. 
 We all had such a good time chatting, eating lunch and making our shirts and I think all our boys (and Myla) had fun playing together.  
Thanks Jennie for letting us come over and thanks Kristin for getting all the supplies together!! I can't wait to see all of our little ones in their holiday shirts!!!


  1. Where did you buy just plain t-shirts? I need one for Dylan's birthday!

  2. Where did you buy just plain t-shirts? I need one for Dylan's birthday!

  3. I want a shirt making tutorial sometime. I'd love to craft with you. I like the truck on white. It might get washed out on the red unless your mom did the stitching in white to make it stand out. Pearson has some very cute clothes!! :)

  4. I LOVE this idea----and all of the shirts are so cute. Definitely going to have to do:) Thanks for sharing!


  5. Those are so cute!! Can't wait til I have a little one so that I can join in on the play dates!

  6. Love the alligator!! They all turned out so cute!

  7. All the shirts turned out soo cute!!
    I love the shirt making party, what a great idea!

  8. That looks like so much fun and you girls are so creative!!

  9. What a cute idea for a play date! Your shirts are adorable!!
