Tuesday, December 25, 2012

our little christmas

Christmas was so fun year!! Pearson definitely doesn't get Christmas, but he definitely gets getting new toys!!  Since Pearson didn't go to bed until 10pm last night, he actually slept until almost 9:30!!
 Santa made a stop at our house and left Pearson lots of fun things.  He got a Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair and lots of fun stocking stuffers.  Our Santa Claus is pretty resourceful.  Last year he brought hand-me down toys and this year he brought a few garage sale toys!! It's funny how some of Pearson's favorite toys were the steering wheel and guitar which were the garage sale toys. He was also a huge fan of all the little Dollar Tree cars I put in his stocking. He's happy with anything that has wheels. 
Last night at my parent's was a little overwhelming for him.  He had a great time this morning just opening up his stocking all by himself.  He could really check out ever little thing, play with it for a minute and then move on. 
We also got Pearson a Magnadoodle and he loved it! 
 It's a great way for him to color without making a mess or risking my walls or furniture being colored on. 
 Seriously, he LOVES this little garage sale Leap Frog steering wheel toy.
Even with all of his toys, he still snuggled up with me to read a book.  I love that he loves to read!! 
 My gift to Matt was a surprise little photo session that I had done of me and Pearson.  I can't wait to share all of the pictures!! I also got Matt a new watch, but since I got it for a Black Friday deal, I gave it to him early so he could start wearing it. 
This year I was a little bit spoiled by getting an iPad and a new iPhone.  My iPad was my actual Christmas but on Thursday we had to order a new phone for me because Pearson broke mine. Since it came on Christmas Eve, we just called it another Christmas present!
Having a big Christmas breakfast is one my favorite Christmas traditions.  
This year we had Egg Casserole, Sausage Cream Cheese Twirls, Monkey Bread and Mimosas. Yum!!
We had such a wonderful morning together as a little family of three. 
Merry Christmas from The Links!!


  1. So sweet seeing your Christmas moments!

  2. Looks like a perfect little Christmas morning! Adelyn got a magnadoddle too and loves it! Oh and i love how you're sitting in P's chair reading to him...Kyle & I do the same thing!

  3. I need to get H a magna doodle! That would be perfect for him since he still tries to eat the crayons sometimes. :) Looks like y'all had a perfect little christmas!
