Friday, December 07, 2012

the polka dot factory {giveaway}

It's time for another giveaway!!

This month's giveaway is brought to you by The Polka Dot Factory
Mandy is a blog reader of mine who will be offering up a $25 credit to her Etsy Shop.  She's a Mommy to a sweet little girl who also serves as her model for all of her fun little bows and headbands! She started out just making special gifts for friends and family but after many requests she opened up an Etsy Shop.  Mandy hopes to grow her shop to the point of being able to stay at home with her little girl.

This past week I got a fun little package in the mail from The Polka Dot Factory with a cute little hat and a bow!  I've never really been much of a hat fan, but I think things might change now that I have this super cute hat. 
I just threw on a black shirt and a leopard scarf and this hat to go to the grocery store this morning. I felt pretty cute for not having any make-up on and dirty hair!!
Since there are no little princesses at The Link Home I gave the this sweet little Christmas bow to my niece.
I tried to get a picture of her modeling it, but it's pretty close to impossible to get a 16 month old to cooperate with pictures! You can still tell how cute it looks on my little niece. 
The Polka Dot Factory has lots of cute hats, headbands, and bows in their shop. 
You can check out her Etsy Shop here.
You can follow her on facebook here.
And you can check out her personal blog here.

Here's how you can enter to win a $25 shop credit......
{You have 2 chances to win, so make sure you leave 2 separate comments.}

**You must be an official follower of my blog to be eligible to win. 

1st Entry:  Like The Polka Dot Factory on Facebook. Leave a comment telling me you did!

2nd Entry: Share about this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or Blogger.  It doesn't matter how you share it, just spread the word somehow!! Leave a comment telling me how you shared it!

The giveaway will close on Sunday, December 16th.
I will randomly select a winner and announce it that evening!!

And if you just can't wait until the giveaway is over you can always go to 
The Polka Dot Factory's Shop
and place your order now!!


  1. I followed the Polka Dot Factory on Facebook.
    P.s. I found your blog through the Taylor/Johnson/Seitzs ladies; we are from the same hometown.

  2. Following on Facebook now (had 4 friends that were already followers!!) and Pinned it on my "Gifts for me" board on Pinterest.

    Hoping there isn't a "Relatives not eligible to win" clause on this entry, ha! ;)

    And that second pic of you on the right is REALLY good!!

  3. I thought you looked so cute in that hat the other day. Those photos remind me of some of your high school days! She makes really cute bows also.

  4. I started following polka dot factory on Facebook!!!

  5. I posted about the give away on Facebook!!!

  6. I liked the Polka Dot Factory on Facebook. Sooo cute!

  7. I liked her etsy shop on fb

  8. Posted on fb about your giveaway

  9. Liked Polkadot Factory on FB!

  10. Pinned giveaway to Pinterest:)

  11. Liked the Polka Dot Factory on FB! Cute giveaway!


  12. Pinned your giveaway to Pinterest!


  13. Liked and shared on FB. :)


  14. I followed her on Facebook. I love these bows!!

  15. I also tweeted about your giveaway!

  16. I'm following on FB

  17. Shared on my facebook wall.

  18. I liked The Polka Dot Factory on Facebook!

  19. I liked the polka dot factory on fb.

  20. Anonymous10:06 PM

    I liked the Polka Dot Factory on fb. Love the hats!

  21. I like them on Facebook! Love their stuff!!!
