Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 on 10 {january 2013}

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Every morning the first thing Pearson says to me is "Nuh, Nuh, Nuh, Nuh, Nuh" and he doesn't stop until I give him his milk.  He loves his milk first thing in the morning.  And yes, we are still sleeping in Christmas PJ's because they still fit!!
My SIL and I went to our Step Aerobics class this morning at the Rec.  It wore us out!!  
And after my workout I had the extremely healthy lunch of Ramen Noodles for lunch......don't judge!!  I didn't feel like fixing anything. 
 At 1pm Pearson had a major meltdown and made it very clear that it was nap time.  I'm so thankful that he takes great naps these days.  He's so busy during the day that it's nice to get a 2-3 hour break to get things done.  
 While Pearson was napping I cleaned out the panty.  It needed it so bad!!
When Pearson woke up we took a trip to Sonic for Happy Hour.  I couldn't get Pearson to put his toy up so we just took it with him.  I can't even begin to explain how much this kid loves this $1 garage sale toy. 
I didn't get around to taking a shower until late this afternoon so Pearson while I was getting ready Pearson hung out in Izzie bed while playing with his favorite toy!!  

 Late afternoons have been a challenge for us lately.  Pearson has been getting bored with his toys and nothing seems to entertain him.  I'm excited about getting together my Busy Bag Swap this month because this is when we could really use some little activities to give us something to do until Daddy gets home. Lately, we've been resorting to one TV show in the afternoon.  He doesn't always sit still for them, but this one really gets his attention because he loves trucks!!
We went over to my parents house for dinner.  We had homemade pizza and Caesar salad.  Pearson ate a little pizza, but he also had some leftover beans and rice with veggies, pineapple and a ton of salad. This kid is a bottomless pit.  After we thought he was done he climbed up in Pops lap and asked for more salad.  I'm pretty sure he ate more salad that I did!! 
Happy 10th!!


  1. Did you move P forward facing? I love Lolly's homemade pizza!

  2. Is the step class extra? I assume so, so how much? As soon as Olivia turns 6 months, I'll be rejoining the rec center. It'd be fun to go to a class together.

  3. I love your 10 on the 10th!

  4. You inspired me to clean my pantry! It took me almost ALL day! I was waaay over due for that job!

  5. Oh the things I would do to have a pantry again. Don't ever take that for granted ;) Messy or organized...

  6. Oh the things I would do to have a pantry again. Don't ever take that for granted ;) Messy or organized...
