Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 resolutions

Matt and I had a low key NYE last night. We stayed in, cooked a yummy Pioneer woman dinner, put the babe to bed early, made Chocolate Cherry Brownies and watched a movie.  We watched the ball drop in NYC then headed to bed. We didn't even make it to midnight! 

We did have our black eyed peas for lunch though. We should be good to go for the year!

I debated on whether I would bother making new years resolutions or not this year but I decided I would go ahead and do it.  I like to use my resolutions more as a goal list or a to do list for the year.  All of my goals are totally attainable so hopefully I will do well this year. 

Here's what I hope to accomplish this year.......

1. Quit biting my nails (once and for all).
**This is my main resolution. Silly, I know, but I'm 28 years old.....I should not be biting my nails. It's such a bad habit and I have got to quit.  I've decided that if I quit, I'm going to treat myself to a manicure a month. 

2. Do a Busy Bag Swap with my Mommy friends.

3. Save more, spend less.  

4.  Drink more water and less Diet Coke.

5. Go on at least one kid-free date night a month.

6.  Start "teaching" Pearson and doing age appropriate activities with him during the day.

7.  Comment more on blogs I read. 

8.  Participate in the Bible Reading Plan that our church is doing this year.

9.  Learn to shoot my camera in Manual. 

10.  Digital scrapbook 2013.


  1. What is a busy bag swap? Sounds fun. And I too used to bite my nails something serious. I kicked the habit about 3 years ago. I actually started with the manicures. At first I went just for the maintenance and a clear coat (polish seemed silly on my barely there nails) but they grew super fast and within the 2nd month I was getting pretty polish added.

  2. Katy- I love your resolutions! I hate setting myself up for failure every year, so I love the more realistic goals. I love reading your blog, Pearson reminds me so much of Clay at that age.

  3. What is the busy bag swap? Sounds fun!! I totally still bite my nails. Prenatal vitamins have kind of helped since they become rock solid, but I always find a way... :D

  4. What is the busy bag swap? Sounds fun!! I totally still bite my nails. Prenatal vitamins have kind of helped since they become rock solid, but I always find a way... :D

  5. I had a nasty habit of bitting my nails too when J and I started dating. He convinced me to stop so I could scratch his back. He is sneaky that way and it totally worked once I had an incentive. I think the manicures a month is a good idea.
