Tuesday, January 29, 2013

swim lessons?

Hey Mommy Friends.....

I'm debating on whether I should start Pearson in swim lessons this summer.  When did you start your little one in swim lessons?? 

Pearson will be two in June.  Most of the places I have looked at are Mommy & Me classes at his age.  I would really prefer not to be in the pool with him, because I think he would do better without me, but maybe places don't do that at his age.  I taught swim lessons at Lifetime Fitness, so I know what the Mommy & Me classes are like.  I don't want to do the silly little songs and dunk him under for 5 second then kick around the pool together.  He is not afraid of the pool at all, he loved it last year, so I think he's too old for the intro to water type of class. I want him to actually learn something if he takes swim lessons.  Obviously he's not old enough to learn real strokes, but I really want him to be able to learn some water safety.  

I know kids usually forget what they learn each summer anyways, so do you think two it too early to start swim lessons? Should I just wait until next summer when he is three? 

And......if you live in the Dallas area, where have you done swim lessons? And were you pleased with them? 

Thanks for all your help!!


  1. Get ready for a long comment. :) Our sweet Luke loved the pool, a lot, so when he turned 3 in March, I enrolled him at Emler because it wasn't mommy and me, and he could go by himself. (I had Reid at the time as a baby,so I couldn't get in the pool regardless). It was AWFUL! (granted, this is only OUR experience...it's different for each kiddo). He cried so, so much and has yet to full recover of his fear of water. So sad. :( Since then, we've still done swim lessons, but not without a lot of coaxing and fear. We did some in Murphy (she does them at her house), and they were great. Last year we did them at Joe Ford pool in Plano (closer to home), and those have been my favorite so far. Learning from Luke's experience, we have held off putting Reid in classes, but he will be four in September this year. For Reid we got a great lifejacket and let him have at the water. He will jump in and totally go under with no fear. So for us, that's what we've learned (the hard way), and then adapted for later children. I hope that doesn't hurt more than it helps.

  2. We did the city of Allen lessons like Ashley said when Zane was four. Decent and he did learn some but not to be a great swimmer. The last two years we have used Gloria Konold. She teaches at a friends pool off of Renner very near the church. Eli was four when he went the first time. Bella was two and a half. Both were terrified of the water but by the end of the week were swimming like little fish. You drop Pearson off and come back in an hour Monday-Friday. Shes fabulous. Has small groups of kiddos in each class. You can even do private lessons of you prefer. And shes a Heights member. Ill look for her number and email you.

  3. Not sure what you are looking for but we did the ISR (infant survival rescue ) classes last year and I loved them. I plan on putting Kinsley back in this year. They don't teach the young ones the strokes but teach survival and if they fall in the water. It wasn't easy for Kinsley or me but by the end she could get to the edge of the pool by herself and she was only a year and a half.

  4. Not sure what you are looking for but we did the ISR (infant survival rescue ) classes last year and I loved them. I plan on putting Kinsley back in this year. They don't teach the young ones the strokes but teach survival and if they fall in the water. It wasn't easy for Kinsley or me but by the end she could get to the edge of the pool by herself and she was only a year and a half.

  5. I cannot say enough positive things about ISR. I started Lucas in it last summer just before he turned 1 yr. It is more of a water survival course than learning strokes. At this age, they need to know how to survive should they end up in the water. Last yr Lucas learned how to float to the surface and float on his back, but starting at 2 they learn the swim float swim sequence which teaches them how to swim to the side of the pool. Seriously it is amazing to see how well these kids do and how quickly they pick it up. The program is 10 min/day M-F and it provides one on one instruction. The sessions go for as long as it takes for your child to master the skill. There are instructors all over, but we used Michelle Love here in Rockwall and I love her. She is excellent with kids (she is a teacher turned SAHM. Check out her facebook page. She has some videos posted from lessons teaching the swim float swim sequence: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Infant-Swim-Rockwall-Michelle-Love/107458826014603.

    Also, I made a somewhat cheesy video from the sessions that Lucas took last yr and I would be happy to send it over if you are interested in seeing it.

  6. BTW - Here is my blog entry about our ISR Swim experience last summer. I am already looking forward to doing it again this summer: http://theunclutteredsoul.wordpress.com/tag/isr/

  7. I did ISR for all 3 of my kiddos starting at 18mths and was always so surprised at how good they did. Last spring I put the girls in at 18mths and by the end of the summer they were little fish and could do the swim float swim and find the edge and had no fear. They are all water babies. Last summer Kaden at age 3 could completely swim by himself, which was a huge blessing because I had the girls in the water too:) So I highly recommend this program but I know that it may not be for everyone. I have done the week refresher for the past 2 years for Kaden, but that is all it took to get him right back where he had left off the year before. GOOD LUCK!

  8. We did lesson's with Dylan last summer. So like 2.5ish? we did them at a lady's house that our neighbor used. I loved her, and Dylan learned a lot. It's kind of far, but I would totally recomend her. We will probably go back this year and Graham will go too ( same price) Though I will have to get in to hold Graham while she isn't working with him.

    Pearson would totally thrive since he isn't afraid of water. But I also think you could get away with not doing them this year, and waiting until next year.

  9. So, I guess my comment from yesterday didn't post, but I'm looking at doing lessons for Stella with a lady in Rockwall, it's more survival based, but not totally! If you're interested let me know because we could put Pearson and Stella in a class together for semi-private lessons. There are 8 30 minute sessions. I can email you the flyer with the info!

  10. My son is almost 3 and he is in his first swim lesson right now. It is mommy and me which I'm not thrilled about but it isn't silly songs and a waste of time. We are at Dad's Swim Club in Houston and I LOVE it. The teacher swears that having the mom in the water the first class helps with the next step. I'm starting to believe her since I see all of these 3 year olds swimming around by themselves. I think Dad's is a chain so their might be one in Dallas. I wish I had put him in last summer. I just didn't know.

  11. We haven't decided who/where yet, but we are DEFINITELY putting Wesley in swim lessons this summer. I'm terrified of the baby/water mix, so the ISR sounds pretty great. Wesley was just like Pearson last summer - loved (and maybe a little too fearless!) the water!! Let me know what you decide for Pearson.

  12. I did them last summer really as just an activity to do. Our neighborhood pool had a mommy & me class for $20 and I figured it would be something fun. I know he won't remember anything and what he learned was just basic stuff (blowing bubbles, jumping in, kicking) but we both had fun. I'm not sure what I'm going to do this summer. I taught swim lessons for 8 years so I know how to teach him to swim but I know he would get more out of real lessons. Have you decided what you are going to do?
