Monday, February 18, 2013

meal planning monday

Monday: Leftovers

Tuesday: Lettuce Wraps and Fried Rice

Wednesday:  Dinner @ The Havard's

Thursday: Golden Mushroom Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, & Roasted Broccoli

Friday: Me: Dot Mom Boys: On their own

Saturday Breakfast: Me: Dot Mom Boys: Sausage Muffins

Saturday Lunch: Me: Dot Mom Boys: Sandwiches

Saturday Dinner: Cornbread Taco Casserole

 Sunday Lunch: Last Sunday Lunch

Sunday Dinner: Pizza


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So exciting you are going to DotMom! I thought about flying up even though I don't have the obvious "mom" title, but there are going to be so many people there I admire! You'll love hearing BigMama emcee. I'll be super jelly if you score a pic with Kelly (from KK). She is going right? and now I feel super awkward that I've announced I stalk mommy blogs
