Sunday, February 10, 2013

sunday lunch

This afternoon we headed over to my parent's for lunch with all of my family plus both of my grandma's.  We had such a fun afternoon with all of the family. 

This picture is a little blurry, but I still love it! I just love my Mom and Grandma. I am so thankful that I live so close to both of them so that we can all see each other often.

Carson was so funny. He kept saying, "We boys stick together." He wanted all the boys to sit at the kid table with him.  Pops sat with him, but Pearson hasn't graduated from the high chair yet!!
Oma made a delicious banana pudding.  Pearson climbed right up into Nonnie's lap to eat some.  I don't think Nonnie even got a bite because Pearson was eating it all.

After lunch, Pearson and Olivia serenaded us with some lovely piano music. 
Pearson showed Oma & Joe his stellar puzzle skills.  They were quite impressed. 
 Nonnie wanted a picture with all of her great-grandkids.  This was the best we could get. 
It's quite impossible getting a 4.5 year old, an 18 month old and a 19 month old to all look at the camera.  See what I mean.......
 While we were playing the piano, doing puzzles, and having a little photoshop, Pops was doing all the dishes all by himself!! What a guy!!
Sadly we had to head out before everyone else did because Pearson had to go down for a nap, but we sure enjoyed our afternoon with family.  

1 comment:

  1. That is so neat that you live so close to all of your family!
