Saturday, March 09, 2013

not what we had planned.....

We didn't have an grand plans this weekend, but I definitely hadn't planned on staying home with a sick baby all weekend.  Pearson started coughing Tuesday but it never really got any better.  I decided to take him to the doctor on Friday.  Kids always have a way of getting worse over the weekend so I wanted to make sure we saw the doctor on Friday.  I'm so glad I took him in because he ended up having Strep & RSV.  Poor baby.  I feel so bad that I didn't take him sooner, but he was never running a few so I just didn't know.  

We spent the majority of Friday snuggling and watching "Memo" (Mickey Mouse).  
 I knew that he really felt bad when he let me rock him to sleep for nap time.  He ended up taking a 3.5 hour nap.  That never happens!!
After a good day of rest yesterday, a good night's sleep last night, and three rounds of his antibiotic, I can definitely see that he is feeling better. It's crazy how fast kids can bounce back.  However, since we don't want to spread any germs and he still has a little cough we are going to lay low for the rest of the weekend.  


  1. Poor thing..:( I hope he gets better soon!!

  2. poor guy! glad he's starting to feel better.
