Wednesday, April 03, 2013

summer list ideas??

Last Summer I made this Summer List........

We had so much fun last summer checking off almost all of these activities. 

I plan on making a new Summer List this summer, but I need some ideas.  I'll probably add alot of the same things just because Pearson is so young he doesn't remember them from last summer.  And some things (like sno-cones & popsicles & pool playdates) you just have to do every summer!!

So what are some ideas that we can add to our 2013 Summer List?  
It can be things for me and Matt to do, things for Pearson to do, Dallas specific things or just fun summer ideas that you could do anywhere!!


  1. When you do this let me know cause I would love to steal your list and do it too.

    Swim date or playdate with friends.

  2. I want lots of Friday pool dates like we've done the last couple years! I already have a maternity swimsuit...I'm ready for a hot summer :)

  3. you could do the Perot museum, the Ennis Drive in movie theater ( still on my want list, i've lived here my entire life and never gone) That's all I've got for now:)

  4. I found a link to this blog on pinterest today and thought of your post. There are over 200 ideas for things to do in the summer with kids.
