Thursday, May 09, 2013

i wonder if he'll miss us?

We just dropped of little man with Lolly & Pops for his first "multiple day sleepover".  He'll be staying with both sets of grandparents while Matt and I go on our Disney Cruise.  
He'll be staying the first few night with Lolly & Pops and then the last few nights with Grammy & Grandaddy.  I'm pretty sure he is going to have a blast while we are away.  I wonder if he'll even miss us?  

So, if you don't hear from me for the next few days it's because we are crusin' with Mickey.  I don't think I'll be able to update the blog while we are gone,  but I'll definitely be on Instagram (@katylink) on the days we are in the states (Disney World & Key West).  So be sure to follow me so you can see what we are up to this week!


  1. Safe travels and good times! :)

  2. So jealous! Hope you have fun! A Disney cruise is on my list of places to travel!

  3. have fun Katy and Matt!
    take lots of pictures and enjoy the time together!

  4. Have a great time!!! I am so looking forward to having Pearson for an extended stay. We are going to have so much fun!!!! Love that sweet boy!!!
