Tuesday, May 28, 2013

pre-summer activities

I've was so busy this past week recovering from vacation (i.e. dealing with a child spoiled by grandparents and catching up on housework) that I didn't really get a chance to blog about some of the fun things we did last week.  I have also been catching up with our Disney Cruise blog posts, so blogging about what has been happening lately got put on the back burner.  I still owe you guys a Disney World post and I hope to have it up later today, but for now, here are some of our pre-summer activities of the late.

On Tuesday we went to the Ranger's Game with my parents.  They got free tickets and asked us to go with them!!  
On Wednesday, Pearson and I had a little picnic lunch at Sonic. 
It was 50 cent corn dog day so we ate for really cheap! He really enjoyed sitting at the picnic table like a big boy. 
 On Friday we met one of my college roomies and her little boy at the Fountains in Fairview.  Pearson and Thomas were constantly going in different directions, so I never got a picture of them together. 
For some reason, Pearson would not step foot in the fountains.  He waned nothing to do with the water.    He happily entertain himself by running around the edge of the fountains and jumping every time he saw water coming up!!
On Saturday, we hung out with Matt's side of the family to celebrate our sweet niece's birthday!!
Pearson absolutely adores his cousin, Ethan.  I just love watching them play (and eat) together. 
We had an extremely low key lazy family day on Memorial Day.  We are very thankful for the brave so that we can be free!! 

Hope you all had a very Happy Memorial Day!!!


  1. That fountain area looks so fun! Is this the Village Beach? Was there an entry fee?

    Love the blog!

  2. Ok, this summer you are going to have to show me how to get my pictures with the little frame around them and how to do side-by-side! Looking forward to a pool date with y'all when school gets out!
