Sunday, May 19, 2013

while we were away {part 2}

Pearson doesn't get to see Grammy & Grandaddy as much as he sees my parents so I know he was soooooo excited to spend time with them.  He loves all the toys they have at their house!
 I told Grammy that he needs his milk like most adults need their coffee! He wakes up and the first thing he says in "Nuk".  He needs his milk right away, even at Grammy's!!
 He has been eating like a true toddler lately.  I never know what he is going to turn his nose up to, but Grammy said he ate just about everything she put in front of him.....including broccoli!
 Reading all of the books at Grammy & Grandaddy's house.
 Grammy keeps Pearson's cousin's after school every day so he really enjoyed playing with them!!  One afternoon Preston told Grammy that he though Pearson's pants were on backwards.  Sure enough, Grammy had just slipped his pants off for a diaper change and then when she put them back on the zipper ended up in the back.  Preston thought it was so  funny!!
 Sweet sleeping boy.
 Pearson got to do sidewalk chalk for the first time.  I can't wait to get some for us to do together this summer.
Yesterday when we came home, they had already come to our house so we didn't have to drive an extra hour to pick Pearson up.  Grammy & Grandaddy were also keeping our other nephew, Ethan, for the day so they were having a ball playing together!!
Friday night Pearson decided he was ready to wake up a little after midnight.  He didn't end up going back to sleep until 5am.  He has NEVER done that for us.  Grammy was up with him until 4am then Grandaddy was up with him until 5am.  Talk about a huge sacrifice.  

We are so thankful that Pearson got to spend some extended time with Grammy & Grandaddy.  I can't wait for him to have more sleepovers with them as he gets older.  He is so lucky to have such great grandparents!!  

Thanks Grammy & Grandaddy for keeping our little man!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like he had a fun time with them!
    What amazing grandparents (both sets!) for taking care of him so you could get away.
    Also, Nolan has been eating like a true toddler too. I think he has 2-4 teeth coming in all at once and that's affecting his appetite. :(
