Sunday, July 14, 2013

Baby No. 2 {7 & 8 weeks}

I'm so excited to start my "Bump Series" this week with Baby No. 2!!
 how far along? 8 weeks
how are you measuring? We will know soon.
size of baby? size of a kidney bean
heartbeat?  We will get to hear it at our appointment next week.
total weight gain/loss? -1.6 lbs
maternity clothes? Nope, not yet! I haven't even pulled them out of the boxes.
stretch marks? Just the ones I got at the end of my pregnancy with Pearson.
sleep?  This week I have been sleeping so restlessly.  I've been having lots of crazy dreams, and it seems like I wake up in between each dream and then have a hard time falling back asleep.  
best moment this week?  Taking a 2 hour nap on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon.  And finding out that I'll be writing for a Mom's Blog starting in August (more on that later!) 
movement? Nope.
food cravings? Sonic Ice Water & Peaches
gender predictions? I have no idea, but this week I had a lot of girl dreams.  Who knows!!
what i miss? Having energy.  I have been so tired lately.  By the time dinner rolls around, it takes every ounce of energy I have left to cook and clean up the kitchen. 
what i'm looking forward to? Our first sonogram on July 25th and a fun weekend ahead.  We have Carson & Olivia's Birthday Parties and then Pearson is spending the night with Grammy & Grandaddy while we go to a Rangers Game!
how are you feeling? I am super tired.  This week I have had random spouts of nausea during different parts of the day.  A few times in the middle of the night and a few times in the late afternoon.  Also, when I get up to quickly from lying down I black out for a few seconds.  It's so annoying.  Overall, I really don't have anything to complain about.  So far pregnancy is agreeing well with my body again!!  
comparisons to last pregnancy? I'm not showing yet, but I feel so much more bloated than I ever did with Pearson.  I also have been really out of breath this week.  I don't ever remember feeling that way with Pearson.

And because I love a good comparison picture.  Here I am 8 week pregnant with Pearson and Baby No. 2.
I went ahead and starting taking pregnancy notes during week 7, but didn't do a bump picture since I didn't start until 8 weeks with Pearson.  So here is last week's notes.......

how far along? 7 weeks
how are you measuring?  We will know in a few weeks.
size of baby? size of a blueberry
heartbeat?  We will know in a few weeks
total weight gain/loss? -1.6 lbs
maternity clothes? Nope, not yet!
stretch marks? Just the ones I got at the end of my pregnancy with Pearson.
sleep?  I'm just getting up once in the night to go to the bathroom, which is normal for me even when I'm not pregnant.  I'm having trouble going back to sleep though, which is not normal.  I lie in bed just thinking about the health of our baby, the gender of our baby, what life will be like with two kiddos, etc.  My mind just starts turning and I just can't stop it. 
best moment this week?  Announcing on Facebook and my blog that we are expecting!!
movement? Nope.
food cravings? Sonic Ice Water
gender predictions? I have no idea, but I've been having lots of boy dreams this week.
what i miss? Cold lunchmeat.  I really missed this in the beginning of my last pregnancy.
what i'm looking forward to? Our first sonogram on July 23rd.
how are you feeling? I am super tired.  There are only a few days that I haven't taken a nap and I can't stay up late anymore.  I always fall asleep on the couch.  I just feel a little nauseous in the mornings if I don't eat breakfast quick enough. No actual morning sickness yet, Praise the Lord!!!
comparisons to last pregnancy? Super tired and nauseous in the morning until breakfast which was just how I was with Pearson. And I keep getting this same cramp in my butt that I got at the beginning of my pregnancy with Pearson.


  1. Yay for having a new baby bump blog to read! Hope you continue to have a healthy, easy pregnancy!! Oh, and I don't know why, but I'm predicting you're having a girl! Maybe because everyone in our class is now having girls, but that's my prediction. And I predicted correctly when you were pregnant with Pearson :)

  2. Love the comparison between pregnancies - should be interesting to see how you feel throughout this one compared to last time, and if you end up having another boy or a little girl!

    I predict boy, but I am usually wrong. :)

  3. Love your color combo! Hope your Dino goes great this week!:)
