Saturday, August 24, 2013

food truck friday

We've been meaning to go eat lunch with Daddy all summer long, and we just hadn't gotten around to it.  I'm so thankful that for the past 5 years Matt has made the drive to downtown Dallas for work.  I sure wouldn't be able to handle it.  Since Matt will be starting a new job closer to home in a few weeks, I figured Pearson and I better get out to Dallas to see all of his co-workers one last time. 
It worked out perfectly because some Food Trucks came to Children's yesterday and we got to have a fun little lunch date!!
I got mac n cheese and a brisket sandwich from OinknMoo BBQ.  It was good but not near as good as Matt's lunch!!
 Matt got fajita nachos from Rock N Roll Tacos.  They were amazing!!
Pearson got soooooooooooo sweaty while we were waiting for our food.  Thank goodness Matt's office was close so we could take our food back upstairs to eat.
I'm going to be so glad when Matt is working closer to home so we can do lunch dates more often!!
Look at how Pearson has changed over the last few years of us visiting Daddy at work!!
For almost half of our drive home Pearson cried, "Daddy's work, Daddy's work".  He was so sad to leave.  I know he will happy when he can visit him more often for lunch too!!


  1. So fun!! We love going to have lunch with daddy at work makes for a great outing. :)

  2. Lunch dates are the best. Super jealous you got to eat from a food truck.

  3. Awww...when I read that Pearson cried "Daddy work!" when yall left I teared up :) I think it's the hormones, but that's still really precious! He will be really happy when Matt's closer to home and yall can go visit him more often! Can't wait 'til I can take Audrey to go visit her daddy at work!

  4. Talk about stink'n adorable! I love that you guys get to have fun lunch dates with daddy! I am a huge fan of fast food trucks and even watch the great American food truck race. Anyway that sounds like a fun Friday for sure:)

  5. I love that Pearson got to visit his daddy for lunch at "daddy's work." It is crazy how hot and sweaty that little guy gets. Like Alicia I watch the Great American Food Truck Race on tv and I think it is so cool that you got to eat from a food truck. Yes, I know I am easily amused!!! lol

  6. Those pictures of lunches with Daddy over the years are precious! Sweet memories for him to have!
