Tuesday, August 27, 2013

kids eat free

Today Pearson and I got to eat lunch at Hook, Line & Sinker with some of the other Dallas Moms Blog Contributors.  Beginning on September 18th at the Preston location, Kids Eat FREE on Wednesdays!!  
I just had to post this picture that our PR representative posted because it totally represented our lunch date!  There were 7 Moms and 9 Kids so it was kind of crazy, but the food was delicious (and FREE), so we all enjoyed ourselves!!
First they brought us out a few of their appetizers including.....
The Mexican Cocktail.....so good!
 Shrimp Cocktail.....always my favorite!
They also brought us out some delicious stuffed jalepenos and some oysters that this pregnant Mama did not touch!! Eww yuck!!

Pearson thoroughly enjoyed his chicken nuggets and fries, but he wouldn't touch any kind of shrimp. 
I usually try to avoid fried food, but this fried shrimp was calling my name! It hit the spot today!!
I can guarantee we'll be hitting up Hook, Line & Sinker again in the near future......especially since it's right down the street from Matt's new office!!

What are some other restaurants that Kids Eat FREE?

 Also, be on the look out for my first post to go live this Thursday at Dallas Moms Blog.  I'm so excited to be apart of this neat blog. 


  1. All that looked so good. I bet you were stuffed!!

  2. Looks like yummy food and a fun lunch! I can't pass up friend shrimp either! :)

  3. How fun! I love how you find all the free stuff. That picture of you and Pearson is one of the best I have seen. I think you are just a glowing pregnant mom. I know I have told you before but I say it again, I am so glad to have you as my daughter in law. You are a great wife and mother. But most important of all you are a godly woman. God answered the prayers I prayed for my son all those years.
