Sunday, August 11, 2013

knock, anyone there?

So, you might have noticed I took a little blog break this week.  
I just had too many things going on this week to make time for the blog.

This week was full of.....

......contacting all the girls in my Discussion Group for MOPS.
......doing lots of recruiting for the Preschool Ministry.  
.....working on the curriculum for the preschoolers in MOPS.
.....going through all of my teacher stuff to start selling it. for baby gifts for four of my friends that are having baby girls.
......nannying 3 little girls. banana bread and zucchini muffins with my little chef.
.....had a fun friday night out at Chuy's with my boys.
.....went to an ABF pool party.

Oh, and we can't forget taking 2-3 hour naps and going to bed at 8:30.
This little baby inside of me is sucking the life out of me!!!


.....maybe I played a little Candy Crush too!!
It took me all week long to beat Level 110.

Now, off to catch up on some blogging.  
I've got a 10 on 10 post, an ABF swim party post, a Baby No. 2 
bump post, and a meal planning monday post in the works!!

1 comment:

  1. I always look forward to your posts. And of course the second baby posts are definitely a favorite because you're posting about my grandchild!
