Thursday, October 24, 2013

pumpkin patch field trip

Today Pearson had his first field trip at school.  It was the perfect field trip for a 2 yr old class because they just walked to the pumpkin patch across the parking lot!!
 It was so fun to see him following directions, doing whatever the teachers would ask him, and interacting with his classmates.  
 Before we walked through the pumpkin patch they had a few tables of activities set up for the kids.  The first table they talked about all the different sizes, shapes, colors and textures of the pumpkins.  On the second table the kids got to stick their hands inside the pumpkin and feel all the ooey gooey stuff inside. 
At the last table the kids got to look at pictures of the life cycle of the pumpkin.  Pearson and his buddy Logan were very interested in the pictures. 
Our last stop before roaming the pumpkin patch was sitting on hay bails and singing some pumpkin songs.  Pearson knew all the motions to the songs they were singing and it made his Momma super proud to watch him!!
Roaming the pumpkin patch was definitely the kids favorite activity.  
Pearson tried to pick up just about every single giant pumpkin.  He would wrap his arms around it and say "heaby punkin".
He loved feeling this little bumpy pumpkin. 
He spent the rest of his time saying, "How bout dis pumpkin" and "How bout dat pumpkin".  He wouldn't have taken them all home if I would have let him!!
At the very end of the trip they had a smaller pumpkin patch where the kids could take one little pumpkin home.  It didn't take Pearson long to pick his.  He knew just which one he wanted!!

Such a fun morning with Pearson's class!!


  1. Thrills me to see Pearson at his first field trip. When I taught preschool the field trip to the pumpkin patch was always my favorite. Then going back to the classroom and eating pumpkin seeds we toasted and pumpkin muffins.

  2. I used to work with Elayne and Teresa at that pre-school! Aren't they amazing!? Such a wonderful pre-school! :)
