Wednesday, November 27, 2013

my little turkey

We've had our Christmas tree up for about a week now, so in an effort to not skip Thanksgiving we did a few little Thanksgiving activities today.  This morning we went to Collin Creek Mall for the Chick-fil-A Tiny Tot Story Time and had a great time singing to turkey songs, listening to Thanksgiving stories, and munching on some chicken nuggets.  We even left with a fun little packet of Thanksgiving activities to keep us busy tomorrow!!

Daddy got home from work a little early this afternoon so when Pearson woke up from his nap we made an apple turkey together.  
 Daddy helped with the tail feathers and then I helped with the face.  
 He was so proud of his little creation when we were finished!!
I'm pretty sure he thought the best part of this activity was eating the marshmallows and cranberries afterwards.  He had never had marshmallows before so he was in heaven.  He ate every single on of them before he even got to the cranberries.  
Having a little one around the holidays is just so much fun.  I'm looking forward to spending the day with my little family three plus all my extended family tomorrow!! 


  1. That turned out cute. I totally forgot about story time today. I'm such a bad mom. I was so busy with the table and chairs we didn't do a single thanksgiving craft. I will have to do better at Christmas.

  2. I love that your apple turkey craft was a "whole" family affair!
