Tuesday, December 10, 2013

baby no. 2 {29 weeks}

how far along? 29 weeks
how are you measuring? measuring about a week ahead
size of baby? size of an acorn squash
heartbeat? 145bpm (at our 28 week appointment) 
total weight gain/loss? So I totally haven't weighed since Thanksgiving.  I really need to step on the scale and check the damage!!  I'm a little scared though!!!
maternity clothes? Yep.  There have been a few times this past week where I wore non-maternity pants and I quickly regretted it a few hours into wearing them.  Stretchy maternity pants are the only way to go. 
stretch marks? Nope, I can barely see my old ones.  And I STILL don't have the dark line!!  My belly button is starting to pop out on one side though. 
sleep? I'm pooped by the end of the day so I fall asleep so easily at night.  I wake up around 1pm and 4pm each night to go to the bathroom.  
best moment this week? Missing the ice storm and spending a nice weekend away with Matt in San Antonio.  
movement? Yes! He is incredibly active during the evening.  He literally moves non-stop from about 7-10pm.  I finally felt Nash get the hiccups this week and he gets them all the time.  Matt also got to feel them too. 
food cravings? Warm drinks.....my homemade Chai Tea Latte, Hot Chocolate, and Peppermint Steamers from Starbucks. 
gender predictions? BOY!!!! Nash Matthew Link
what i miss? My little side jobs that brought in extra money.  I would love to have some extra money to do some Christmas shopping but I'm soooooo glad I'm not working right now.  I would have been so worn out and busy if I was still nannying.  
what i'm looking forward to? Nash being here.  I definitely want him to cook the full 39 weeks and make it to our scheduled c-section, but I'm ready to have my body back and have a little baby in my arms instead.
how are you feeling? Very pregnant.  Feeling so tired in the evenings, getting ramps in my butt again, having LOTS of braxton hicks contractions, dealing with uncomfortable hemorrhoids (sorry....TMI), and feel like my cheeks, double chin, butt and boobs are growing more than my belly.  
comparisons to last pregnancy? I feel like I nested a whole lot more with Pearson.  I would love for that instinct to kick in on full blast this go round.  My house could really use a good cleaning and organizing before Nash gets here.  With Pearson I had to have a sono around 28 weeks because of all the belly pain I was having at the top of my belly.  With Nash I also had to have a sono at 28.5 weeks because of the drama we had on Wednesday night. 

Here I am 29 weeks with Pearson and 29 weeks with Nash.


  1. The nesting will kick in. Give it a couple more weeks. I miss how clean my house was during my pregnancy with Olivia.

  2. Oh haha about checking the damage on the scale! I love being pregnant over the holidays, but it means badddd things for my weight! I have very little self control:/ I have not nested with any pregnancy, I'm hoping maybe with this one ill want to do some organizing!:)
