Sunday, December 22, 2013

christmas cookies

Ever since we made our cooking video announcing Baby No. 2 Pearson has loved cooking in the kitchen with me.  I knew this was the perfect year to start our tradition of making cookies for Santa.  
This was actually a first for me because I had never made sugar cookies from scratch.  I even had to borrow a rolling pin from grandma!!
Pearson wanted to do everything all by himself.  After he would cut the cookies out he would proudly say "I did it!"
Our cute little cookies waiting to be baked.  We halved the recipe and it still made almost 3 dozen cookies.  
 The hardest part about making cookies is waiting for them to bake.  
 While the cookies cooked and cooled, Matt gave Pearson a bath.  When he was all done, I had the cookies iced and we put the sprinkles on together.  
The cookies turned out pretty cute and were pretty tasty.  
 Our night wouldn't have been complete without a little tasting of the cookies.  
They were definitely Pearson Approved!!
 What a fun new tradition we started in baking Christmas cookies!!


  1. So fun and delicious I'm sure! I love that Pearson is such a sweet helper:) I'm sure Santa loved them as well as his little helper;)

  2. What a fun tradition to start. Pearson looks like he really enjoyed the cookie making!

  3. How sweet! I bet you just love starting new traditions! Pearson will treasure them as he grows older and shares them with his new little!
