Friday, December 13, 2013

ice ice baby(moon)

For months Matt and I had our baby moon planned for 2nd weekend in December. As the weekend drew closer we realized that the weather might put a kink in our plans. We had originally planned on dropping Pearson off with Matt's parents Thursday night and leaving Friday after lunch, but when the freezing rain was supposed to start Thursday night we knew we needed to change our plans. Thankfully my parents are close by and were able to take Pearson to Matt's parents so we could leave late afternoon on Thursday instead.   Our hotel reservations were for Friday and Saturday so we still needed a place to stay Thursday night. Our sweet friends, The Hoopers, graciously opened up their home to us!!

Five Stars for Hotel Hooper!!

I'm so thankful for this little guy growing in my belly who gave us a reason to take a 2nd Babymoon!
Friday morning we started off with a delicious breakfast at The Guenther House.  Jonathan and Tammy recommended it to us and it was sooooooo delicious.  Matt had a banana waffle that was to die for and I had the best biscuits and gravy ever!!  
Our check-in time for the hotel wasn't until 4pm, but we decided to go ahead and head to the hotel to park our car and drop off our stuff so we could walk around the river walk.  Much to our surprise, our room was ready at 11am so we went ahead and checked in.
Our hotel room was so nice and we had a great view of the river walk from our bedroom! The whole reason for our trip to San Antonio was because I won two free nights at The Hotel Contessa at one of our Dallas Moms Blog Quarterly Meeting.  Ya can't beat staying at a swanky hotel for free!!
After we got settled into our hotel we walked around the Riverwalk.  It was really cold (for San Antonio) but we definitely didn't complain because we knew it was better than being cooped up in our house from the ice storm that hit Dallas the night before. 
My parents recommended that we go see a movie while we were there because the theater on the Riverwalk had the recliner seats and was really cheap.  We rarely go to the movies while we are home so it was a nice treat to get to go to the movies.  We saw Catching Fire!!
Our tickets were only $5.75 and we had an gift card with $8.25 on it so it only cost us $3.25 to go the movies.  The recliners were so nice for the pregnant Mama!!
Since we didn't have lunch and we couldn't get a reservation at our favorite restaurant in San Antonio we decided to head back to the hotel and clean up then eat "Grandma & Grandpa Style" at 4:45.  We walked right in.  Boudro's is a little pricey, but worth every penny.  We figured since we weren't paying for our room we could splurge on a really nice meal.  Plus while we were eating we realized it was our 6th anniversary of our first date!!
Ragu of hot and sweet peppers, cheesy grits and pomegranate demi glace 

Seared bay scallop with chimichurri, blue crab seacake and grilled shrimp with beurre blanc, lobster tail baked with cognac and jack cheese, fried oysters remoulade, Louisiana crawfish pot pie served with jalapeno corn pudding on a bed of Southern braised greens 
 After dinner we hung out in the beautiful lobby of our hotel for their happy hour.
I tried so hard to be a good wife and stay up and hang out with Matt, but I crashed about 8:30 after drinking a chamomile tea. (Which apparently nobody told me you weren't supposed to drink while you are pregnant, but that's a whole other story) Matt was a happy camper though because there was a Baylor basketball game on TV at 9pm so he happily watched the game while I went to bed early. 

Saturday morning we slept in and then walked to Shipley's donuts for breakfast.  We had plans to eat a big lunch so we didn't want to eat much for breakfast.  
Have you notice a theme to our trip? We pretty much ate our way through San Antonio!
Our lunch stop was at a place called Tip Top. It's a diner that my parent's recommended to us.  It was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives a while back.  
 We split the biggest chicken fried steak I have ever seen in my life, a huge order of onion rings and a lemon merengue pie with merengue that was about 4 inches tall.  It was all soooooooo delicious (except the mashed potatoes.....they tasted like instant).  We ate every bite of our steak and pie, but we could only eat about half of our onion rings.  We were so stuffed.  I'm so glad my Dad told us to share the chicken fried steak.  
After lunch we headed back over to The Hoopers house to watch the Baylor football game with them.   Since it was the last Baylor game of the season and the last game played at Floyd Casey Stadium, I knew Matt wouldn't want to miss it.  When the game was over, Jonathan and Tammy showed us around town and took us to one of their favorite Mexican Food Restaurants and yogurt places. 
It was so great to get to spend part of our Babymoon with our sweet friends that we hadn't seen in quite a while.
And since Jonathan thought it would be cool to be sneaky and take a selfie on my camera, he gets his face plastered on my blog!!!
Sunday morning we slept in again then slowly got ourselves checked out of the hotel to make our way back to Dallas.  Before we left we had to pay our $32 bill!! Yup, it just cost us $32.48 for our two night stay!!  Technically it should have been more but they forgot to charge us for one of our nights of valet parking.  
While the price of our stay at the hotel was nice, the best part of the trip was who I got to spend it with. It was so nice to get away with the hubby for a kid-free weekend before our next little man joins the family.  

**The funny thing about this whole trip was that this was the 2nd time that we escaped an ice storm in Dallas while on a Babymoon.  When we took our Babymoon before Pearson was here we missed the terrible ice storm that came to Dallas before the Super Bowl.  While everyone back home missed 4  days of school, we were cruising around the Carribean.  We have some kind of luck planning our Babymoons to escape bad weather!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were still able to go on your babymoon despite the ice storm. Random... I spoke to your mom last week at her church. My grandmother passed away and had been a member there since the 50s. Your mom helped serve my family a delicious meal before the funeral, and we were so thankful they did that for us. I just had to tell her I recognized her from your blog!
