Wednesday, December 04, 2013

northpark fun

This morning Pearson and I headed to Northpark for a morning of fun!  We got there early to pick up a ticket to see Santa, then picked up some Starbucks to sip on while we strolled around the mall.  We even got to listen to some high schoolers sing some Christmas Carols. 
We went back to "Santa's Castle" as Pearson called it, for Storytime with Santa at 10:30.  As soon as he saw Santa walk in he started saying "Santa, Santa".  He knew exactly who he was and was excited to listen to him.  
 Pearson enjoyed listening to his stories and actually stayed relatively still the entire time. 
 After storytime we still had a little to kill so we did a little shopping before we went down to see Santa. Matt was able to meet up with us for pictures with Santa!!
I had no idea how Pearson would be this year.  He definitely knows who Santa is and talks about him all the time.  When he saw him at storytime he seemed to be excited, but you just never know with a two year old.  The can be so unpredictable.  I thought since he cried last year he might cry again this year.  I was wrong though.  He sat right in his lap and was pretty mesmerized by him.  He didn't crack a smile the entire time but he was pretty interested in him.  
 The past two years Santa was pretty quick ask us to take Pearson back, but this year he really spend some time with him.  
 He showed him this little toy and then talked to him about what he wanted for Christmas.  
 He even sent him home with this little book.  
After pictures we all grabbed some lunch in the food court.  What a fun little morning we got to spend with Daddy Northpark!!
 And because you know I love a good comparison picture, here's Pearson past three Santa pictures!!  


  1. Love the pics! You know Santa hasn't aged a bit in those comparison pictures! ;)

  2. Fun! I still need to take Audrey to get pictures with Santa. Maybe we'll head over to Northpark one day!
