Thursday, January 02, 2014

2014 resolutions

Yep, I'm one of those people that makes New Year's Resolutions every year.  I like to consider them my goals or to-do's for the year.  I'm going to cut myself some slack this year though because I have no idea what life is going to be like with two kids.  I would like to think these goals are all attainable but life could get real crazy here in the next 6 weeks and I might forget about all of these.  Here's to hoping I can get them all accomplish though!!

1. Find a way to make a little extra money again after Nash arrives.

2. Organize/clean out my computer, iPad & iPhone.

3. Find a system to keep mail, paper and coupons organized and not pile up. 

4. Memorize one simple scripture a month as a family. 

5. Lose all my baby weight and get back into the gym.

6. Wake up earlier and actually get some things done before Pearson and Nash wake-up. 

7. Take a picture a day.
**Follow along on Instagram @katylink #thelinkhomeeveryday2014

8. Take a picture a day of Nash for his first year of life.
**Follow along on Instagram @katylink #thedailynash

9.  Plan intentional activities to do with Pearson during Nash's morning nap.

10. Continue once a month date nights with my sweetie!! 


  1. I have number 6 on my list as well! I'm a morning person so I'm usually awake about an hour before either kid, yet I just lay in bet messing around on the phone! I've got to start getting up and doing something productive!

    I like all your goals and to me they seem
    Very attainable! Good list!

  2. Whenever I can manage to wake before both kids and get a few things done, I feel a few steps ahead all day.
