Monday, January 13, 2014

surprise bunco shower

Tonight at Bunco, all the ladies surprise me with a baby shower.  We played our normal 3 rounds, broke for dessert and then instead of continuing to play a few more rounds, they brought out an abundance of presents!!  Of course since it was a surprise, so I didn't have my real camera.  Most of the pics from my iPhone came out blurry so here are a few of the best ones!  I wish I would have stopped and taken a few good pictures.  

Asking my friend Holly how they pulled this off.  I was soooooo surprised!!
 My Mom doesn't normally play with us but she was subbing for one of my friends so she gave me my hospital gown and Nash's first little outfit and hat.  We are going to be styling' in the hospital.  
 And this is my "You gals are awesome, I can't believe you pulled this off face."
Thank you ladies for all the sweet gifts.  Nash is so loved already and he's not even here yet!

1 comment:

  1. your hospital gown is so cute!! what a fun surprise!
