Wednesday, January 29, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 4}

Day {22}

This kid loves to go to church.  He literally runs to his classroom every time we go! I love that he loves to go to church already. 
{Day 23}

It was super cold on Thursday so it was a perfect night for chili and cornbread.  I used a new recipe from a friend and it was sooooooo good!! While I was stirring it in the crockpot Nash decided he wanted to try it too.  
{Day 24}

The whole family celebrated my Mom's birthday at Joe Willy's. Mmmm I love their hamburgers!!
{Day 25}

We only let Pearson watch TV on Saturday mornings.  TV during the week was getting to be such a battle.  He would watch one show then throw a fit when we had to turn it off.  It wasn't worth the 30 minutes of freedom I got to deal with the battle afterwards.  So now, on Saturdays he gets to watch one show in bed with Daddy while I make breakfast.  He always looks forward to this special time since it's his only time to watch TV (other than special family movie nights)
{Day 26}

Every morning when I fix Pearson's hair he loves to smile at himself in the mirror and check himself out.  
{Day 27}

Pearson is always asking to sit on the potty.  He will sit there and read his books but has only actually tee-teed in the potty a few times.  I'm soooooo ready for him to be potty trained, but he just isn't quite there yet.  We'll hit potty training hard sometime after Nash is here.  I really don't want two in diapers for long. 
{Day 28}

We got to peek in on our sweet Baby Nash one more time before he is here.  The sonographer said everything looked perfect and that he was measuring right in the 50th percentile at about 6lbs 7oz.  If he gains a half a pound a week from here on out he'll be about the same size as his big brother at 7lbs 15oz.  My cervix is still long and closed so right now it's looking like we will make it to our scheduled c-section date of February 17th.  We'll see though!!


  1. Loved the pictures. Very excited about seeing baby Nash. Can't wait to see Pearson's reaction to baby Nash. How is his nursery coming along with those finishing touches? Can't wait to see the big reveal!

  2. Could you share your chili recipe? I've been looking for a new one!
