Saturday, February 15, 2014

valentine's with my THREE boys

**Lots of random post coming in the next few days. I'll be "re-posting" them later on the correct date but for now they'll be on the wrong date so they show up in your readers!!

Since our c-section was scheduled for February 17th I didn't think Nash would be here for Valentine's Day.  I never dreamed that I would have a one week old baby and get to celebrate with all THREE of my boys.  I did plan ahead though and get Matt and Pearson a Valentine.  

Matt and I keep it simple.  We don't really celebrate this Hallmark holiday. I just got him a sweet card and some candy.   
 Pearson is probably so confused because he has been getting so many presents between Big Brother gifts and Valentine's Day presents.  He probably thinks it's Christmas.  
 I got Pearson some sticker books from the Dollar Tree, some Mess Free Crayola paints, a new zippy cup and I burnt a CD with all his favorite songs on it to play in the car.  We played the CD in the living room while we were playing today and he kept calling it his "Movie Song" since we played it the DVD player. 
 After we opened presents the boys all snuggled in bed while watching a Mickey Valentine's show.  
I made Red Velvet waffles and strawberries and bananas for breakfast.  The idea of them was a whole lot more delicious sounding than they actually were.  I wasn't too impressed.
(And yes, I take gummy vitamins!!)
 Since poor little Nash didn't get a Valentine this year, we decided to pull out the bouncer and call it his present.  He seems to really like it.  We put it on our kitchen table (don't call CPS on me, please) and that's where he hangs out now while we eat all our meals!!
My Valentine's Day gift from Matt was a little "me time".  Matt gave me a nail salon gift certificate for my birthday way back in September and I had never used it.  I had planned on using it this week before my scheduled c-section, but since Nash came early I didn't get to get my mani and pedi before he was born.  I nursed Nash then we all hopped in the car for Matt to drop me off at the nail salon.  Matt came home to put Pearson down for a nap and hang out with Nash and my Mom picked me up when I was all finished.    It felt so good to get pampered.  I got a manicure, pedicure and my eyebrows waxed.  Now I'm all ready for our newborn pictures on Monday!!  A little "me time" was absolutely the best Valentine's day gift ever!!!
Our Valentine's Day was nothing special, nothing over the top and definitely not romantic at all, but I couldn't have asked for a better Valentine's Day with my THREE boys!!
These two little guys absolutely melt my heart!!  I'm so glad we got to have our littlest love with us on Valentine's Day this year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Pearson looks so cute holding Nash and just looking down at him with love. So sweet!
