Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Nash's story {index}

Our sweet little Nash was born February 7th.  Life with two kids is definitely more of an adjustment than life with one kid.  There just isn't as much free time which is why almost 4 weeks later I am just now getting around to posting Nash's Birth Story.  Since we were in the hospital for four nights I broke up his story into a few different chapters.  You can either click on the links or just keep scrolling down. Hope you enjoy reading Nash's story!! 

Chapter 1: Surprise Baby

Chapter 2: 2:21am

Chapter 4: Lots of Visitors

Chapter 5: Celebration Sunday

Chapter 6: Headed Home

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I don't know which post to comment on! I love them all and I am totally stealing the idea of pictures on my hospital bed with our next one! So many sweet pictures. Just love your boys!
