Friday, June 13, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday {week 21}

{Day 141}
Pearson was so intrigues by this caterpillar (cat-eh-killer) that we saw on our walk.  Apparently it's a asp and it stings.  Good thing we didn't touch it!!
{Day 142}
We took our first trip to the pool this summer.  It definitely took a lot more planning but we had a great time.  Nash napped almost the entire time!!
{Day 143}
I'm so thankful for this new little stack of laundry.  I still can't believe how easy potty training ended up being for us. 
{Day 144}
A trip to the zoo wouldn't be complete without an elephant (eff-uh-went) ride!!
{Day 145}
Happy Birthday to Oma!!!
{Day 146}
There's no one else I'd rather spend my days with.  We were so thankful to have Daddy home for the day!!
{Day 147}
I voted. Did you?

1 comment:

  1. So sweet seeing my son with his sons. My heart just overflows with happiness.
