Tuesday, November 04, 2014

i like cars with candy

Goodness, last week flew by. 
We were so busy with Halloween festivities that I didn't get a single 
blog post up and now I have lots of catching up to do!!

The week before Halloween we passed a church that was setting up for their own Fall Festival.  Pearson immediately said, "Let's go there."  We explained to him that our church was going to have a Fall Festival the next week.  He began to ask questions about what exactly was a Fall Festival.  We told him there would be a petting zoo, face painting, inflatables and cars with candy.  He then said in the sweetest high pitched voice, "I like cars with candy!!"

Who wouldn't??

This was the first Fall Festival I feel like we really got to experience and we had a great time.  
We enjoyed walking around as a family to all of the activities.  Pearson had such a short attention span, he didn't last long at each activities.  If the line was too long he wasn't interested.  
After we finished walking around the Fall Festival, we hung out at our ABF's booth to work for a bit.  Pearson enjoyed seeing a few of his friends and munching on some candy while we worked.  
And as always, Nash didn't really get photographed during the evening, because he pretty much stayed in his stroller the whole time.  He was absolutely perfect all night!!
What a fun night!!

1 comment:

  1. As usual the pictures were great. Love the one of the boys in the robot face cut out. My heart just melts at that sweet family picture of all four of you. I can just hear that sweet voice saying "I like cars with candy." The picture of Pearson with his arm around his friend in the Dallas Cowboy jersey...so cute. Keeping posting Grammy loves your posts!!!!!!!
