Tuesday, November 18, 2014

pearson's first camping trip

 Lolly and Pops bought a camper a while back and they are taking turns taking each of the grandkids camping!! A few weeks ago Pearson got to go camping for the first time!  We went out to the lake around 5pm and just hung out for a little while.  It was a little chilly outside so Lolly came prepared with lots of fun and games to play indoors.  
Pops grilled some awesome pork chops and I brought a potato casserole.  Mom made green beans, rolls and caesar salad.  It definitely didn't feel like a "camping meal".  
After dinner, we all sat out by the fire.  
Even Nash bundled up and joined us.  He couldn't take his eyes off the fire.  
It wouldn't be a camping trip without making some s'mores.  
Pearson definitely liked the idea of s'mores a whole lot better than he actually liked them.  He took a couple bits (enough to be a sticky mess) and then he was done.  
 Once we were all done eating our s'mores, Matt, Nash, and I headed home and left Pearson to camp out!!  Lolly & Pops turned the kitchen table into his bed and they said he slept great.  They made blueberry pancakes and bacon for breakfast then headed home. 
He talked non-stop about going camping when he got home.  Hopefully this won't be the last time that he goes camping. Lots of fun memories will be made going camping with Lolly & Pops.  And secretly I'm glad he gets to experience camping without me having to do it!!  Even though camping in a camper is not really roughing it all, it's not really my thing!! 


  1. You got some great photos. I'm so glad you took them.

  2. How fun for Pearson!

  3. That's awesome! Sounds like a much better camping experience than my one and only time to go! ;) I agree with Pearson - idea of s'mores is a lot better than the way they actually taste!
