Wednesday, October 08, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 40}

{Day 274}
Shhhh, don't tell Pearson that Nash gets to stay up late than him! It's the only way I can get Nash to sleep a little later in the morning.

{Day 275}
Scootin' & a strollin' on a midday walk.

{Day 276}
Eatin' my words by letting this one sleep in our bed every morning at 6am. It usually buys us another hour of sleep though!

{Day 277}
When big brother isn't completely smothering Nash, he can actually be helpful.

{Day 278}
Date night at The State Fair of Texas!

{Day 279}
Oh how I love that squinty eyed smile!

{Day 280}
Both plays playing by themselves! Ahh….a little piece and quiet. 

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