Friday, February 27, 2015

oh the weather outside is frightful

The weather has been quite crazy here in the Dallas area this week!!

Day 1: Monday
It rained all night and everything was frozen in the morning with the temperature not predicted to get over 32.  We were supposed to have MOPS but it got cancelled, so we had a PJ day at home!!
Matt stayed home from work since most of what he needed to do could be done from home.  There was no reason to risk getting out on the icy roads.  Pretty much every school district around us was closed.  Most of the day we had to tell Pearson that if our bedroom door was closed, that meant Daddy needed it to be quiet to work.  There were a few times that Matt let Pearson come in, and he immediately grabbed his own computer and got to work too!!
While I have to get out of the house most days to stay sane, Pearson really does love staying at home and playing all day.  He is such a good independent player. He loves pretty much any activity I put in front of him.  My Mom gave him this kinetic sand in his stocking. I had been saving it for a rainy day, so today's icy day seemed like the perfect day to pull it out.  He literally played with this for hours……of and on almost all day long.  It was definitely a hit!!
We spent afternoon nap time FaceTiming with some friends.  We called my friend Gina and talked to her kiddos, Sawyer and Tyler, then talked Pearson friend Brynn, then we talked to Carson and Olivia at Lolly's house!!
We also snuggled up in bed and watched "The Cookie Show" (The Pioneer Woman's Cooking Show) that we had missed on Saturday.  Pearson loves watching that show with me.  
We ended our night all snuggled on the couch with some popcorn for a good ole family movie night.  Our choices were kind of slim on Netflix, but Pearson chose Tarzan and really liked it.  

Day 2: Tuesday
Schools all over our area were closed again because all the roads were still frozen.  Sadly this meant that Pearson's preschool was cancelled as well.  We busted out our entire Rainy Day Box and had lots of fun activities to keep us busy!  Books we hadn't seen in a while, play dough, sticker books, magic markers, coloring books etc.

This weather must be really great for naps because Nash took two really awesome naps!!  Matt left for work around 10:30 when the ice started to melt and he said he drove 80mph on the highway all the way home from work.  The roads were completely fine so after the kids were in bed I slipped away to CVS to do my weekly run.  I was going stir crazy in the house!!! Everything had completely dried, however sleet, freezing rain, and snow were in our forecast for the next day!!

Day 3: Wednesday
Matt had to leave for work at 6am for a meeting in Grapevine but that's right when it really started sleeting.  He decided to conference call in since the weather was only getting worse.  Most of the schools around us were on regular schedule, but very last minute Wylie decided to delay school 2 hours.  The weathermen said it was supposed to snow 2-4 inches so we told Pearson to be on the lookout for snow!! We all hung out by the window reading books while we waited for the snow.  
And yes, Pearson was reading his books IN the box!

Around 8:30am it started to snow.  Pearson kept saying, "Look Mom, it's raining snow!!"  (And yes, he calls me Mom now…'s so sad!)
After we put Nash down for a nap, me and Pearson went outside to "play" in the snow.  The weathermen got it right that it was going to snow, but it definitely wasn't the 2-4 inches we were expecting.  It was pretty pathetic.  
It didn't seem to bother Pearson one bit that the snow was pretty pathetic because as he was hopping around making footprints, he kept say "THIS IS SO FUN!!!"  We stayed out for about 10 minutes because I was getting cold!!  
 We came inside and warmed up by watching some Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on Netflix.  We just happened to be on Episode 33 and it was an show about a snowy day!! When it was over Pearson saw the title of the next one and it was a snowy day one too!! I decided to be a "yes mom" and let him watch two shows in one day, which is a rare occasion.  I figured how many times do we actually have snowy days in Dallas!!
While I've been itching to get out of the house, it's been nice to stay in my PJ's literally all day and have no reason to go anywhere!! It's kind of nice when life just slows down a little bit!!  


  1. Pearson is so cute with his laptop by Matt! Isn't it just precious how they mimic their daddies? Heart warm! Glad to see you are staying warm and enjoying together time! :)

  2. I love all the cute pictures! I so enjoyed spending time with my boys last weekend!
