Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Home Tour Tuesday {nash's room}

Like I mentioned last week, my boy's rooms are my absolute favorite rooms in my house.  It only made sense to show you Nash's room this week in my Home Tour.  Nothing really has changed, except lowering his crib,  since I first blogged about Nash's room when he was first born so these are actually old pictures.  But here's another look at Nash's room!

My favorite part about Nash's room is the bunting hung across the wall when you first walk in.  Matt says it's always like a party in here because of the bunting!  
 This chair was seriously the best piece of furniture we have ever bought.  It was so expensive, but it's been so worth it.  I still love sitting in it and rocking my sweet baby boy (when he will let me). 
Just like Pearson's room, we won't be changing any decor in Nash's room in our new house. I'm still in love with his room and definitely not ready to change it up. 
The only thing I might change is the color of Nash's walls.  You can't really tell in these pictures, but this grey is a little blue and I would like for it to be more grey. Grey is just a hard color to choose.  Any advice on the perfect grey color??
To see more pictures of Nash's room and all the details of where everything came from you can go here to his original room tour!
Check back next Tuesday for a tour of our kitchen!!


  1. I have a few different shades of gray in my house, and by far my favorite is Sherwin Williams Knitting Needles. It is a true grey in my opinion. It's what is in Tessa's room, and Graham's before she came along!

  2. It's unusual to see a room that is themed with the combination of orange and cream, but you nailed it in Nash's room. I love the arrangements and details of the decorations. I'm sure Nash is always sleeping soundly in his amazing room. Anyway, I'll be looking forward for tours of other parts of your home. Thanks for sharing that! All the best to your family! :)

    Lisa Brady @ R and K Custom Homes
