Tuesday, May 26, 2015

home tour tuesday {misc. spaces}

I missed my last Home Tour Tuesday with the craziness of Dad's wreck and stroke, but I still wanted to finish this series so I could have our first home all documented.  

Here is our hall bath/kid's bath.  Since our house only had two bathrooms, I wanted to have it decorated more like a hall bath rather than a kid's bathroom since it was used by more than just the kids.  
 My Mom made the beautiful valance for the shower.  It really added so much to have a valence along with the shower curtain.
 The previous owners painted the walls and the ceiling.  It's not exactly what I would have picked but I didn't want to have to repaint the ceiling so we just went with it.
This is the view when you come in the front door.  The door on the left is the door to the linen closet which is where I kept my stockpile from couponing!
Also on the left was the boys rooms and the bathroom.  Pearson's room was on the left and Nash's was on the right.  
Here is my little entry hall table.  I got this off Craigslist for $50.  It was such a good buy because it was nice to have a piece of furniture that provided extra storage for our little house.  
On the opposite side of the wall was my favorite parts of our house……my big black and white gallery wall.  
 Here is a view looking from the living room into the entry hall.
This is a little nook in the hallway between the entry hall and the master bedroom.  This changed over the years.  For a while it had a trunk with our blankets, then a train table for Pearson, then my little black desk and last as a play area for the boys.  It was so nice to have a piece of furniture that looked nice but held toys.  This piece of furniture was originally in Pearson's room, but there wasn't enough room for it when we converted his crib into a full size bed.
 A closer look at the decorations……..
Our back patio was such a nice little place.  We didn't use it near as much as we should have, but when we did, we really enjoyed it.  We had a beautiful view of the pond behind out house.

There was  nice covered patio where we kept a couple of chair, our hammock and Nash's swing.  
 About a year ago I bought this cute little picnic table for the boys. It was pink and I painted it grey. I just love the way it turned out.
 The rest of our deck had a pergola on top of it and in the spring our wisteria bloomed and gave us awesome shade.  The roots around the poles were just absolutely amazing to look at.  It was just so crazy to see how the twisted and turned and grabbed on to the poles.
 The last room of our house was our laundry room, but I forgot to take pictures of it before we moved.  It wasn't anything special.  It was just a walk through laundry room.  My laundry room in our new house is much more impressive because it's actually a room!!

We only have two rooms in the house completely decorated.  It will probably be a while before I get this house exactly the way I want it, but when I do, I will be doing a Home Tour Tuesday 2nd Edition!!

1 comment:

  1. I loved your home in Sachse. You did so well decorating and your home was comfortable, warm, inviting and functional. I can't wait to see the final product of your home in Tyler!
