Saturday, July 04, 2015

july 4th {2015}

Matt's sister and brother in law always host an annual 4th of July party.  We have been going ever since we were married. At first I didn't think we would go because we are in Tyler, but after thinking about it, we didn't really have anything to do in Tyler and we hadn't seen my parents at Baylor Institute for Rehab, so we made a 24 hr trip to Dallas to visit my parents and spend the 4th with Matt's family.  

Dad was excited to see us all.  We hadn't seen him since Father's Day.  It was nice to be able to see where he was doing therapy and where Mom and Dad are living.  I talk to Mom on the phone and see her posts on Facebook, so I like to be able to "see" what she is talking about in my mind.
We talked Mom into slipping away for a little bit to go to lunch.  We told her we would take her anywhere.  She chose Grimaldi's.  We never turn down Grimaldi's!!  It was such a good lunch and so good to spend time with her, but it was so hard leaving her.  I know that Mom & Dad feel so lonely in Dallas, but Dad is getting the best therapy he can get there.  
After spending time with my parents we headed to Allen for the family 4th shindig.  
 Pearson has been so shy in the water and really not liked swimming at all the few times we have been this summer.  For some reason, today, he put his puddle jumper on and was fearless today!
 I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the fact that his cousin, Ethan, is a great swimmer!!
 Nash enjoyed playing in the park before he took a dip in the pool.  
 He was Mr. Serious in the pool.  We couldn't get him to crack a smile.  
 That is, until he found the water fall!! So fun!!
 And of course, he was all smiles when dinner was served.  But anybody would be all smiles with Bryan's famous BBQ!! It's so good and it was totally worth the drive from Tyler to Dallas.  
 I didn't get any pictures of the firework show around the corner from their house because I stayed back with Nash and put him to bed.  He didn't get much of a nap, so he was exhausted. Pearson watched the fireworks with Matt and he said he loved it!!

1 comment:

  1. So fun to spend the 4th with you all. I just love watching Pearson and Ethan play together...they just love each other so much and have so much fun.
