Tuesday, July 07, 2015

sprinkler fun

One of the things on our summer to do list was to play outside in the sprinkler.  Pearson was SO excited about doing this, especially because he got a new toy for his birthday to hook up to a water hose.  However, once we got it started, he kept saying, "No, no no, it's getting me wet!" Ha!!
We finally convinced him to get closer and run across it.  Once he got the hang of it, he had a lot of fun.  As you can see by the picture, we weren't able to convince Nash the same. 
 He found a mud puddle to play with instead.  
Who needs sprinklers when you can just play in the mud!! 

1 comment:

  1. I used to love playing in the sprinkler as a child. Oh that little Nash...He is all boy!!!!
